Mobile Mammography van is a project of Rotary club Gurgaon,  and it is equipped with a state of the art mammography unit, chamber for PAP’S smear, and a 100MA X-Ray unit.  It was taken up as a Global Grant Project in the year 2014 – 2015 under the President ship of Rtn Dr Pushpa Sethi.

The purpose of the van is to provide Mammography screening to the underprivileged class of society.  As we know breast cancer  incidence is so much on the rise that it is fast competing with cervical cancer as the major killer. In order to give the patient  a fair chance of survival it is mandatory that the cancer be detected in the early stage. For this all ladies above 40yrs should undergo preventive mammography screening  once in a year. But in India preventive health check up is not very common due to the financial burden it would cause on the family. A mammogram in a private clinic costs anywhere between Rs 2000 to Rs 3000.

Our van was officially flagged off on 10th December 2016, by the Chief minister of Haryana Shri Manohar Lal Khatter. We were doing 16 – 20camps in a month, covering every class of society. The test is done free, but we were charging  a nominal Rs 10000/camp, which helped us make the van self  sustaining.  In the near future wealso plan to introduce PAP’s smear, for the early detection of cervical cancer.  The reporting was done  by a rotarian colleague of our club, who is a senior radiologist also free of cost. At present we cover Delhi – NCR, Rohtak, Sonepat, Karnal, Gaziabad, but soon we plan to venture father off to more remote areas.