About Rotary Club of Gurgaon

Rotary Club Gurgaon was presented its Charter by the then District Governor Rtn. V Sagar Ahuja on 29th May 1972 and the club had its first meeting at Precision Metals Works under the President ship of Rtn. Vineet Virmani with Rtn. Surinder Singh as Hony Secretary.

The club started with 28 Charter members.

In 1981 the odyssey began when the need was felt by Rotarians to start a School. Keeping this in mind Rotary Service Trust was formed from amongst the Rotarian Members and Rotary Public School came into existence in Sector 17, Gurgaon.

The school was allotted a land of 5 acre in Sector 22 and after completion of building it started functioning on the new site from the year 2000. An Interact Club was also started in the school.

Organizing Blood Donation Camps, Thalassemia Centre, Eye Operation Camps, Health Checkup Camps, Polio Plus immunization, providing free education to the needy. Distributions of Books and stationery have been a few of our regular projects going on for many years.

In the year 2005-06, our club also constructed a building for Mortuary in Gurgaon after installing a six cabinet cooling unit, the project was handed over to the Civil Authorities Gurgaon.

In the year 2006-07 Rotary Club Gurgaon became a 100% PHF Club with every member becoming a Paul Harris Fellow. In year 2011-12 the club got EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) status.

In its 37th year, Dr Sushil Khurana esteemed member of our club was elected District Governor of District 3010.

The strength of the club as on date stands at One Hundred Nineteen, which includes thirty seven lady Rotarians, Seventy Nine Male Rotarians & 3 Hony Members. One of our Charter members is still member of the club. Our club has two Arch Klumph Society members, Fourteen Level 1 Major Donors and Two Level 4 Major Donors.